Can I Come Again if Im on Viagra

The 30-Second Review

Some guys just can't stand the thought of going to their doctor about talking about their problems "down there". Other guys can't take Viagra for one reason or another. In any event, if you're on this page, you're looking for something to help bring back your erections.

If you're looking for legit over the counter Viagra that doesn't require a doctors office visit, click here to read our review of ForHims.

If you're looking for an all natural alternative to drugs like Viagra, click here to read our review of Vigrx Plus.

It's the most effective Viagra substitute we've tested to date, and we've tested 100's of alternatives.


#1: Vigrx Plus
#2: Extenze And Phenibut
#3: Extenze Plus
#4: Rhino 7
#5: Libido Max
#6: Powerzen Gold
#7: Zyrexin

Unless you've been living under a rock the last 15 years, you've probably heard of the prescription medication Viagra.

In fact, your email inbox has probably been spammed several thousand times by ads about it, and other over the counter viagra alternatives.

example of spam viagra email
A typical gmail spam folder, LOADED with emails about Viagra

Used to help treat symptoms of erectile dysfunction, this drug is used to help improve your erection quality, stamina, and control.

However, at the same time it also has the ability to give you some pretty nasty side effects.

Those side effects include, but are not limited to, headaches, flushing, indigestion, impaired vision, and nasal congestion. (Source)

viagra side effects statistics by percentages

In addition, it DOES require a prescription.

Unless you live on the border with Mexico, you can NOT buy Viagra over the counter in stores like CVS, Walgreens, GNC, or Walmart.

You need to go to your doctor, tell he or she you're having problems "down there", get diagnosed with ED, and they have to write you a prescription.

For some guys, this can be embarrassing…

For others, their insurance will simply not cover it, and it's too expensive for them to buy.

In fact, I didn't even realize how EXPENSIVE it actually is until I started doing some research on it.

For example, without insurance at CVS you can expect to pay a whopping $696 for a 10 count bottle of 100mg Viagra.

At Walgreens, that price increases to $721.

At Walmart, you get a small discount of $691, which rounds out to $69.91 per tablet.

viagra prices at walmart, walgreens, cvs, and costco

So yeah, NOT cheap!

As a result, I get dozens of guys asking me everyday what supplement is the best erection pills alternative to Viagra / Cialis, but something that is all-natural, available over the counter, is modestly priced, and won't produce any side effects.

Keep in mind that I've personally tested DOZENS of male enhancement products. Everything from pills, pumps, creams, extenders, oils, even a freakin' male enhancement gum.

viagra alternatives I've personally tested

If you've heard about it, there's a good chance I've tested it (or at least investigated / researched it).

I would consider myself pretty well qualified as to what works and what doesn't 🙂

Practically EVERY male enhancement pill that works anything like over the counter Viagra has the potential to produce SOME sort of side effects.

Any supplement that doesn't either didn't work, or the effect was VERY minimal.

While the vast majority of these products promise that you'll see gains in size, many of them are specifically targeted to guys suffering from erectile dysfunction issues.

In this review, I will tell you –

  • The specific pills and supplement combo's I use to mimic the effects of Viagra
  • How to take it
  • EXACTLY what to expect
  • My personal experience
  • and other supplements I've used that work

Here's a few of the best over the counter ed pills that work close (if not better than) to Viagra.

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My #1 Choice: Vigrx Plus

Note: This is just a review. Click Here to visit the official Vigrx Plus website.

Vigrx Plus is one of the best sex pills you can buy online

If you've spent any length of time perusing through the various reviews we have here on, you have probably come across our Vigrx Plus review.

It's actually one of the very first supplements I tested way back, and continues to be included in my daily supplement regiment for 2 reasons:

  1. It kicks ass as a sex enhancer, and…
  2. It works every time, usually within 30 – 45 min.

Unlike some of the other pills listed on this page, Vigrx Plus doesn't use any 'harsh' ingredients.

While those 'harsh' ingredients will get you hard, they have a tendency to cause a wide range of side effects.

Those side effects include headaches, fever-like symptoms, and much more…

With that said, Vigrx Plus does NOT display any of those characteristics.

In the 10 or so years I've been taking it, I've never experienced any adverse effects.

Special Note: I'm not going to go into serious detail about everything Vigrx Plus has to offer here.

If you're interested, click here to read my full review. It discusses everything you need to know, including:

  • Full ingredients profile
  • Clinical studies
  • My month by month results
  • Much more

How should I take Vigrx Plus? content/uploads/2013/09/vigrx plus ingredients label small
The Vigrx Plus label.It's recommended that you take 2 tablets daily, preferably on an empty stomach.

While most of the below pills work on a 'take as needed' basis, Vigrx Plus is one of those that works a bit differently.

As opposed to taking it right before sex, with Vigrx Plus you'll actually take it everyday.

I realize this might be a bit 'inconvenient' for some of you, but the bottom line is this…

Vigrx Plus is by FAR the absolute BEST sex pill to work like Viagra, hands down…

One pill a day, and within a few days you'll essentially be able to perform when you want to, for as long as you want to.

What can you expect?

The first few days of taking Vigrx Plus, I'll admit, you don't actually feel much.

The first time I took it, I was actually on the cusp of throwing away the box after just a few days.

Then, right around day 5 or so it seemed to hit my penis like a ton of bricks…

For the first time in a long time, I woke up with morning wood.

This seemed to hang around for about 15 min., and eventually I 'took care of the problem' so to speak.

After a couple of weeks, I could sense a huge change in my overall libido and lasting power.

While before I wouldn't last more than 5 or so min. without starting to lose my erection, on Vigrx Plus it was getting hard AND staying hard for virtually as long as I wanted.

The key to getting the best results with Vigrx Plus is by taking it everyday.

Unfortunately, you can't just pop a pill and expect a miracle to happen.

It takes a bit of time…

But once it kicks in, look out!

Where can I buy Vigrx Plus?

You can pick up Vigrx Plus via their official website, .

It's a bit on the expensive side, with a 3 month supply (which I recommend) costing approximately $179.

It should also be noted that they (IE the manufacturers) offer a full 67-day money back guarantee.

If it doesn't work for you, simply give them a holler and they'll take care of the rest.

Special Note: If you're looking to gain size, consider stacking Vigrx Plus along with either a pump called the Bathmate, or an extender device called the Phallosan Forte.

male enhancement products for size
Bathmate and Vigrx Plus

I write about my experience using this combo to gain upwards of 2 inches in size in less than 6 months in my exclusive review here .

#2: Extenze and Phenibut

Note: This is just a review. Click Here to Visit The Official Extenze Website.

extenze and phenibut

This particular combo is quite simply the MOST powerful natural aphrodisiac stack you will EVER COME ACROSS .

In fact, it works so well that I would say the effects are BETTERthan those you will get with Viagra alone.

For those of you who aren't aware, Phenibut is a nootropic substance that is used to help promote feelings of calm, a reduction in anxiety, and an increase in mood. (Source)

phenibut effects on sex drive

It actually works very well as a study aid when combined with another supplement called Optimind, helping you focus / concentrate for hours on end without falling asleep with a book in your hands.

Quite simply, it is one of the MOST effective (if not THE most effective) supplement I have ever tested.

It's so powerful that I'm surprised that it hasn't been forced by the FDA / DEA to be classified as a drug. Amazon has actually gone so far as to completely remove all products containing Phenibut from their site. (Source)

Phenibut is used clinically in several countries such as Russia, to help in relieving anxiety, tension, and fear. (Source)

Specifically, Phenibut mimics GABA, and acts on the GABA-a and GABA-b re Think of it like a key entering a lock.

These receptors are responsible for producing feelings of calm, relaxation, and improved mood.

Additionally Phenibut stimulates dopamine receptors (Source).

Dopamine is a hormone in the brain associated with happiness (Source).

So how does a nootropic supplement work anywhere near a drug like Viagra?

The effect is VERY hard to explain, but I'll give you a brief rundown.

Phenibut is similar to a brain chemical called gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA.

Research in animals has shown that it may decrease anxiety and have other effects on the body. (Source)

Specifically, it appears that Phenibut works on the GABA-a and GABA-b receptors. These receptors are responsible for producing feelings of calm, relaxation, and improved mood.

Here's a short video describing how the neurotransmitter GABA works on relieving anxiety in the brain:

how gaba works youtube vid

When you drink alcohol, the effects you feel are a direct result of the alcohol "working on" the GABA receptors.

You know that feeling you get when you have that first drink? It puts you in a somewhat good mood, but you still have your mental awareness / good feeling (ie not slobbering drunk).

THIS IS EXACTLY HOW Phenibut makes you feel.

Quite simply, it makes you feel drunk, but NOT drunk to the point where you have no idea what you're doing / you're making a fool of yourself.

It relaxes you / puts you in a great mood…but keeps your senses sharp.

Phenibut also has a tendency to eliminate the anxiety / jittery effect you get from stimulants.

It also works great for women 😉

Related Article: Over The Counter Female Viagra

So How Does Phenibut and Extenze Work?

Extenze contains a powerful blend of ingredients, which includes a substance called Yohimbe, as well as L-Arginine, DHEA, and Tribulus.

Combining these ingredients, especially L-Arginine and Yohimbe, has been proven to help guys suffering from erectile dysfunction. (Source)

This specific combination is found in literally 100's of over the counter erection pills, including Red Fortera, Peruvian Brew, and Zyrexin.

I'm going to talk about yohimbe in detail below, but basically yohimbe is a natural alternative to Viagra that works GREAT.

It produces MIND-BLOWING boners , and can and WILL keep you hard for hours. In short, it's the best ED pills non prescription alternative that I've ever used, and I've used a lot.

HOWEVER, because yohimbe is a stimulant, it has a tendency to produce anxiety, jitters, nervousness, and irritability.

This is where Phenibut comes in…

Phenibut, for all intents and purposes, COMPLETELY ELIMINATES THESE SIDE EFFECTS .

The feeling you get from combining the two is absolutely extraordinary.

It will provide you with a ridiculously great boner, but at the same time leave you feeling calm and extremely confident with the woman you're with.

Make no mistake about it, you WILL be a monster in the bedroom. Not only that, but you'll be happy (because of increased dopamine output), calm, and you will have the best night's sleep you've had in years. (Source)

You can pick up a box of Extenze pretty cheap on their official website, .

Where Do You Get Good Phenibut?

absorb your health phenibutI have used a few dozen brands of Phenibut, and the vast majority are pretty good. I personally use the Absorb Your Health brand, which comes in powder form.

You can pick it up relatively cheap on their official website,

Absorb Your Health makes both the plain powder form, AND is also available in capsules as well.

It's really a matter of personal choice, but if you do decide to use the powder form they give you a free teaspoon scoop for measuring.

They do sell Phenibut over the counter in stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, Walgreens / CVS, but I always avoid buying it there because they tend to mark the prices up BIG TIME.

A Couple of Quick Notes

1.) Keep track of the time

One thing I want to mention is that the libido enhancing effects of Phenibut can take a VERY long time to kick in. By very long time I mean like anywhere between 4 – 6 hours. (Source)

This is not something you take like 30 – 45 min. prior to sex and expect results.

It just doesn't work that way.

In fact, the libido enhancing effects (for me, at least) don't seem to kick in for about 2 hours.

the effects of phenibut in minutes

Here's how I would recommend you take Phenibut and Extenze to get the absolute best results.

  1. First thing in the morning: take a 500 – 1000 mg dose of Phenibut on a COMPLETELY empty stomach. Don't eat anything for at least 2 hours, as Phenibut seems to take a bit of time to absorb into the blood stream.
  2. Wait 2 hours – 3 Hours to be absolutely sure.
  3. 1 hour prior to sex: pop a capsule of Extenze on a relatively empty stomach

After this, you should be 100% good to go.

2. Refrain from drinking / Limit Alcohol use while taking Phenibut

Because Phenibut works on the same GABA receptors that alcohol does, it has a tendency to AMPLIFY the effects of alcohol BIG TIME. What that means is when you drink 1 beer it will feel like 3 beers. (Source)

When you drink 3 beers it will feel like 6. When you drink 9 beers….well, you get the point.

I would either recommend you don't drink at all while taking this, or at the VERY LEAST limit yourself to 1 or 2 drinks.

Drinking doesn't eliminate the "Viagra like" effect, but it CAN turn you into a slobbering mess.

Alcohol has also been shown to be a leading cause of erectile dysfunction. (Study)

alcohols effect on libido and ed

3. Only use this combo once (max Twice) a week

Phenibut has a tendency to build a tolerance very quick, which means you'll need to take more and more to feel the same effect.

The other downside is once you've built a tolerance it's VERY difficult to get it's magic back.

I would recommend using it no more than twice a week, with a 3-4 day break in between doses to curb any tolerance.

4. This combo works GREAT for premature ejaculation as well

If you're main problem is not getting it up, but rather going too fast, then this combo will DEFINITELY help you.

prosolution plus reviewOne of the main causes of premature ejaculation is anxiety, and because Phenibut works to get rid of anxiety, it will help you last MUCH longer than you normally would.

If you're specifically looking for something that can help with premature ejaculation issues, then check out a supplement called Prosolution Plus.

It's actually the only supplement I've ever come across that had a clinical study conducted PROVING that it can help with symptoms of premature ejaculation.

And I can tell you from personal experience, it works! Click Here to read my full review of Prosolution Plus.

#3) Extenze

extenze plus review

By far, the most effective (and safe) product that I've taken is called Extenze, which I'll now talk about in greater detail then I did above. (Note: I have a complete review of Extenze here if you want to get the full report)

Unlike pills like Vigrx Plus which are designed to work over a period of weeks / months, Extenze is a fast acting male enhancement alternative to viagra that works quickly, usually within 45 – 60 min.

The original makers of Extenze actually got in a bit of trouble back when they first started selling it.

Like so many other supplements of its kind, they were promising that guys would grow their schlongs from taking their pill.

the original extenze

Remember this Extenze commercial from around 10 years ago?

extenze commercial youtube

Well, once guys started realizing that they weren't seeing any noticeable size increases, they got pissed.

So pissed in fact that they started a class action lawsuit against the company. (Source)

Without getting into too much detail, the makers of Extenze ultimately lost the lawsuit and were forced to fork over a bunch of $ to settle.

The rights to Extenze were then later bought by a company called Biotab nutraceuticals, who cleaned up their act.

So What Makes Extenze So Great?

Well, it contains a very specific blend of ingredients that help to increase your sensitivity for sex, increase your orgams, and make you last longer.

Out of all of the herbal pills I've personally tested, it's one of the best alternatives to Viagra I've come across.

Specifically, it uses a combination of 3 key ingredients: Yohimbe, L-Arginine, and Horny Goat Weed.

The first time I used Extenze, the results were EXTRAORDINARY .

The one thing I noticed was I felt like I could last for HOURS, although it there wasn't any type of dulling sensation.

For me, the effects seem to come on after about 30 minutes, with the greatest effects hitting around the 1 1/2 hour mark.

It seems to last for several hours , and I personally don't experience any side effects.

You can find Extenze both in stores like GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walmart, and Walgreens / CVS, as well as online, which tends to be cheaper.

When you visit their official site (, don't be surprised to see that they tell you to take it everyday.

From my own personal experience, this is useless.

Can you take it everyday? Yes.

Do you need to? No.

The effects (in my opinion) are exactly the same.

A Quick Note On Vigrx Plus

vigrx plus reviewSo when you first got to this page, you probably noticed that I rate Vigrx Plus as my number 1 male enhancement supplement.

So why is it not listed as an effective Viagra alternative?

For me, I noticed that Vigrx Plus is actuallythe most potent male enhancement pill by far. However, it took a bit of time to kick in (like 3 months) so don't expect overnight miracles.

Extenzeon the other hand seems to work great on an "as-needed" basis. Meaning I would just take it like 30 – 45 min. prior to sex and it would give me great erections.

#4) Rhino 7

rhino 7 as an otc viagra replacementThe first time I used Rhino 7, I was a bit suspicious. I got a GREAT erection from it, but I also noticed that I was getting some really strange side effects from it as well.

"What kind of side effects?", you ask.

Well, for the first few hours I felt dizzy, nauseous, and just plain like crap.I had a massive erection, but at the same time felt so sick that I couldn't even muster up the energy for sex.

I did a little bit of research and discovered that, to my surprise, the makers of Rhino 7 were ACTUALLY injecting sildenafil into their supplement to make it work!

I know this because the FDA (who routinely tests out herbal substances to make sure they are playing nice and not putting illegal stuff in their supplements) ran a test on Rhino 7 and found that it contained substantial quantities of sildenafil into their formula. (Source)

Some of the most common side effects of sildenafil (the active ingredient in Viagra) is actually…you guessed it, nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, and headaches! (Source)

Needless to say, the FDA issued a recall of all Rhino 7 products, but you'll still find some of them floating around in gas stations and liquor stores.

#5) Libido Max

libido max as otc viagra replacementLibido Max is actually one of the first male enhancement pills that I ever tested.

It was also one of the most effective, in terms of boner producing quality.

This supplement will DEFINITELY give you great erections, but not without a price.

The problem with Libido Max is they give you a very wide range when it comes to how much you should take.

First off, the pills are HUGE, bigger then any other pills I've taken before .

Luckily, they are gel caps, so they're a bit easier to swallow vs. your typical tablet / capsule.

The instructions on their label say that you should take 2 – 4 capsules 45 min. prior to having sex.

The first time I took it, I decided to just try 2 gel caps and see how I felt.

For the first 15 min. I have to admit, I didn't feel much .

Then BOOM, 20 min. later or so I got the erection of a lifetime. Also, I got this strange, sick feeling like I was coming down with the flu.

As the minutes ticked by, I got increasingly aroused, but increasingly sicker.

It was one of the strangest feelings I've ever experienced in my life.

Imagine having a rock solid boner, but being super nauseous at the same time .

I also had to keep spitting. It was like every time I spit, my mouth would just fill up with saliva again and I'd have to keep spitting.

I tried pleasuring myself, but whenever I got close to an erection I thought I was going to throw up.

I later learned that Libido Max packs a HUGE dose of Yohimbe (2% total alkaloids), MUCH more so then what you will find in Extenze.

Yohimbe is actually a very potent aphrodisiac that produces effects VERY similar to that of generic type viagra.

In fact, there is a form of Yohimbe called Yohimbine hydrochloride that is a prescription drug here in the US. (Source)

I've talked about yohimbe several times in the past (including above), and if you read this article you'll see that it can bring about MANY side effects when consumed in large quantities.

If you read some of the reviews on my article, you'll see that people either love it, or hate it.

This all comes down to what I said earlier. You need to get the dose just right to make sure your getting great erections, without getting sick.

If you decide to take Libido Max, I would suggest you do so on a full stomach, and ONLY take 1 pill and feel it out.

Most guys that get these nasty side effects will start off with some crazy high dose, like 4 pills, and end up feeling VERY sick.

Not the kind of sick you get with a dose of Viagra, but definitely close.

You can find Libido Max at most stores like Walmart, GNC, Walgreens, CVS, and Vitamin Shoppe, often for as little as $10 for 30 pills.

They also make a version for women, which is appropriately (and not surprisingly) called Libido Max for women.

#6) Powerzen Gold (AKA Powerzen Platinum and Triple Powerzen)

powerzen gold as an viagra alternativeThis is another supplement that's close to viagra, where you'll see A LOT of reviews from my visitors.

I actually never got a chance to try this one out, but wanted to include it here as an alternative to viagra otc because of the sheer amount of reviews I've been getting

If you read these reviews on my article, you'll see a very common theme.

Specifically, you'll see things like:

"It works good, but the headache you'll get from it is not worth it."

but you'll also see phrases like:

"harder than a rock, and even keeps you hard for hours"

When you look at their ingredients label, you'll see things like Yohimbe, Tribulus Terrestris, and L-Arginine, all of which are potent viagra alternatives.

However, when I started reading some of the reviews I was getting saying things like "it gave me a nasty headache" and "I feel a slight pressure in my head", I started to get a bit suspicious.

Low and behold, once I did a little bit of research, I learned that they TOO were illegally injecting sildenafil into their supplement to make it work like Viagra. (Source)

Although this is clearly illegal, you can still find this erection pill over the counter at most gas stations, convenience stores, and even at GNC.

My guess is you won't be finding it there for very long once the FDA catches on.

#7) Zyrexin

zyrexin reviewZyrexin is another erection pill that's available over the counter, which I actually tested way back in 2011. Just like with Libido Max, I got a massive boner, but at the same time, felt sick as a dog.

However, unlike with Libido Max, we really don't have ANY idea how much yohimbe they're pumping in the stuff.

The reason why is because they are basically putting their formula behind a "proprietary blend", which means they don't disclose specific ingredient amounts.

That's not a huge deal.

A lot of supplements do this, including Extenze.

But it certainly doesn't help our cause when we're putting something into our bodies.

I can tell you from experience, Zyrexin is a GREAT viagra substitute.

Also, unlike with several other of the erection pills on this page, it seems to work WAY slower.

As with most of these, typically you'll start feeling the effects in about 30 minutes or so.

With Zyrexin, it took several hours for it to "kick in".

This is completely contradictory to what it says right on the front of the box.

It should be noted that it may have taken longer because I took it on a full stomach.

You can find over the counter viagra substitute in plenty of stores, including CVS, GNC, Walmart, and Walgreens.

Typically it sells for as little $20 for a box of 10 tablets, but I have seen it cheaper.


As I stated in the beginning of this article, the absolute closest all natural pill that works like Viagra is Vigrx Plus, followed by the combo of Extenze and Phenibut.

While I still prefer Vigrx Plus, I have personally recommended this combo to THOUSANDS of guys, and they have practically ALL been amazed at how well it works .

Although there are some personal favorites, any one of the over the counter Viagra alternatives described above should yield noticeable results in you.

All of the supplements that I've recommended here have been personally vetted by myself, and CAN and WILL work well on their own.

The bottom line is, if you can't stand the side effects from Viagra and / or just simply can't afford it, these are some very suitable natural alternatives that can help those suffering from erectile dysfunction.

They are great options also for the man who is just not quite comfortable speaking about their erectile dysfunction or other problems in the bedroom.

Other References

Top 3 Male Enhancement Affiliate Disclosure

Honorable Mention/Inexpensive Alternative: Magnum Rings content/uploads/2017/01/magnun rings

Magnum Rings are a VERY affordable option to getting both girth and length gains, at a fraction of the price of the Bathmate or Phallosan Forte.

Click Here to see our full Magnum Rings review.

User Reviews

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Before You Post Your Review

Please only post a review if you have tried the supplement. If you are just writing a complaint your review will be deleted.

You need to actually talk about your results with the supplement, and not just complain that you were scammed by their free trial.

If you would like to complain about billing procedures or feel you've been scammed by this company, please click "Leave A Comment" below and post a comment."

By Chris, May 8, 2017

I've tried a bunch of these so called "viagra alternatives" over the years but the only one that ever worked for me was Black angt pills.

Unfortunately they discontinued it some time ago and I was looking for a replacement when I found this site.

I've yet to try it with the pheonibut, but the Extenze (

Wow, just wow!

It started working for me in about an hour and I plowed my wife for a solid 2 hours on this stuff.

Thanks for recommending it, my marriage was on the outs before I found this.

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Brandan's Review

By Brandan, Sep 19, 2017

I've tried a number of male supplement pills. Extenze is a reliable tablet.  I paid seven dollars for a pack of four tablets. This pill has a white feel to it.  It will make you horny within a half of an hour. I took two the first night and maybe I should've taken three.  It will get you somewhat horny and ready for sex. Your penis might get slightly bigger because of the blood pumping.  There was a very mild headache, not bad though. I was like energized right after I took it as I felt like going for a run.  This is not the pill for spiking the punch. This is in tablet form.  This pill is not my favorite but I would buy it again. It's reliable.

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23 out of 24 people found this review helpful.

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Hardon Helper Wow!

By Mike, May 20, 2018

I Just picked up some of that hardon helper you were talking about and tried it for the first time last night. All I can say is wow, I can't believe this stuff works!  Its better than all of the other pills I've tried, including rhino pills which used to be my go to. thanks for recommending it!

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Looking For The Best OTC Viagra Replacement? Click Here To See My Top Choice!

Ask A Question

User Questions and Answers

How long does it take for Extenze to work? -jay

If you go to the Extenze website ( they "say" it takes a few weeks to work.

I felt the effects within about 30 minutes, with the best results at right around the hour mark. - Rob

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Can I get over the counter Viagra? -Tim

Unfortunately no. Since Viagra requires a prescription, the only way you can get it legally would be to go to a doctor and get diagnosed with a condition (erectile dysfunction, for example) to requires Viagra as an effective treatment. - Rob

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Is there a generic form of Viagra? -Ted R.

Yes, there are several forms that are available. The most popular would be Sildenafil, Kamagra, Nizagara, Silagra, Edegra, and Zenegra. - Rob

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Is Sildenafil as good as Viagra? -George

Yes. Sildenafil is actually the primary active ingredient in Viagra, so it's essentially the same thing.- Rob

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Will any of these make you bigger? -Eddie

No they aren't designed to have any influence on size.  If you're looking for size gains I would suggest you check out either a water based pump called the Bathmate, or an extender device called the Phallosan Forte.

Here's my reviews of each:

Bathmate -

Phallosan Forte - Rob

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